Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Good news from the 2007 Conference

Thanks to the HLA Board, and the Constitutional Revision Committee, HLA can now have roundtables. Folks, that means we are in business. I am a bit busy as LIS Chair, so I would welcome anyone interested in working with Elena to help us get running. We need your ideas, energy, passion, and time.

Thank you again to all of the HLA members who supported the many changes needed to adapt the Bylaws, Constitution, and Handbook in order to create roundtables. I understand that there was some concern about how our Social Responsibilities group could impact the profession, but I was pleased that the motion passed. We will certainly remember that we operate within HLA, and that we cannot speak for the larger body on our own. I was very pleased that you trusted our professionalism and respected our intellectual freedom. I am sure that we will all benefit by having another venue for discourse.

Friday, July 6, 2007

Impact of Media Concentration on Libraries

Aloha SRRT-folks,

If you have a chance, you might want to download an interesting 17-page report from the ALA - Intellectual Freedom Committee - Subcommittee on the Impact of Media Concentration on Libraries.


Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Starting Page

This blog will is for members of the Hawaii Library Association who are interested in establishing and running our Social Responsibilities Round Table. Please use this blog to introduce yourself, and briefly discuss what you might like to do as a round table.
